Chief Investigator

Mr Sean Carrie

  • Consultant Otolaryngologist
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 0191 2137635
  • Sean Carrie is a leading UK rhinologist, and President of the British Rhinology Society. As Chief Investigator he is responsible for key aspects of design and delivery of the NAIROS trial.

Sean Carrie is a leading UK rhinologist, and President of the British Rhinology Society.

As Chief Investigator he is responsible for key aspects of design and delivery of the NAIROS trial. He leads the clinical coordination and consensus of the diverse NAIROS site PIs and is currently Newcastle site PI NATTINA.


  • 2006 Co-editor - The Otolaryngologist
  • 2002-2006 Associate Editor - ENT News
  • 2006 Reviewer - Journal of Laryngology & Otology
  • 2006 Reviewer - Clinical Otolaryngology


  1. Carrie S et al., (2007) JLO, vol 121, p713-20
  2. Carrie S et al., (2006) Am. J Rhinol, vol 20, p554-7
  3. Carrie S et al., (2007) B J Hosp Med, vol 68, p241-5
  4. Carrie S et al., (2006) JLO, vol 120, p770-3
  5. Carrie S et al., (2006) Laryngoscope, online
  6. Carrie S et al., (2007) ENT News, vol 15, p70-72
  7. Carrie S et al., (2007) Auris Nasus Larynx, vol 34, p515-8